Tag: families


Decision-Making Project with Transition-Aged Students in Medford Public Schools in Massachusetts (February 2022)

This Report summarizes activities and findings from a project to promote alternatives to guardianship and Supported Decision-Making for youth through an innovative, replicable decision-making workshop that was piloted in the summer of 2021 as part of Medford Public Schools’ transition program in Massachusetts.  This PowerPoint summarizes the key results.  This project was funded by the Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council and facilitated by the Center for Public Representation (CPR) and Emily Berheide, CPR consultant.


Amicus Brief in Britney Spears case (July 13, 2021)

Amicus brief filed in Britney Spears’ conservatorship case by American Civil Liberties Union with the support of Center for Public Representation and 25 civil rights and disability rights organizations.

The amicus brief argues that Britney Spears has the right to select her own attorney for her conservatorship proceedings. The brief also urges the court to ensure Ms. Spears has access to assistance and tools, including supported decision-making, to make this choice.

Read our statement about the amicus brief here.

Visit resource: Amicus Brief in Britney Spears case


The Horror of an Unwanted Conservatorship, According to People Who Lived It (July 8, 2021)

Article on people who had their guardianship or conservatorship terminated. Features Cory, participant in CPR and Nonotuck Supported Decision-Making pilot, who had his guardianship terminated in favor of Supported Decision-Making.

Visit resource: The Horror of an Unwanted Conservatorship, According to People Who Lived It


Conservatorship 101 And Ideas For Reform (July 2, 2021)

Radio show on Britney Spears and guardianship reform on Wisconsin Public Radio’s Central time featuring Anna Krieger of Center for Public Representation and Professor Rebekah Diller of Bet Tzedek Civil Litigation Clinic at Cardoza Law. Discussion includes Britney Spears’ case and alternatives to guardianship like Supported Decision-Making.

Access the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities Supported Decision-Making toolkit here.

Visit resource: Conservatorship 101 And Ideas For Reform


Summary, Findings, and Recommendations of The Virginia Supported Decision-Making Pilot Project (2021)

Report from The Arc of Northern Virginia and the Burton Blatt Institute at Syracuse University about the success of the Virginia Supported Decision-Making Pilot Project.  Includes reporting on the ten individuals who participated in the pilot and used Supported Decision-Making with positive outcomes. Four pilot participants use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).

Pilot was funded by the Virginia Board for People with Disabilities.

Visit resource: Summary, Findings, and Recommendations of The Virginia Supported Decision-Making Pilot Project


For the Disability Community, Britney Spears’ Situation Is All Too Familiar (June 29, 2021)

Article based on podcast interview with reporter Sara Luterman discussing #FreeBritney movement and disability justice context. Includes discussion of Supported Decision-Making as an alternative to guardianship. Access full podcast and transcript here.



Visit resource: For the Disability Community, Britney Spears’ Situation Is All Too Familiar


The supportive decision-making model that might have saved Britney Spears from conservatorship (June 27, 2021)

Article discussing Supported Decision-Making and Britney Spears. Describes the disability community movement to create guardianship alternatives. Features CPR partners Jimmy C., CPR pilot participant with Nonotuck, and Jordan Anderson, Co-Lead of Wisconsin Supported Decision-Making state team and Youth Ambassador from the Center on Youth Voice/Youth Choice first community of practice.

Visit resource: The supportive decision-making model that might have saved Britney Spears from conservatorship