Type: Video


El viaje de Omar de law toma de decisiones apoyada (March 2024)

Este vídeo se trata de un joven llamado Omar y su experiencia con la Toma de decisiones apoyada.  Omar se identifica como una persona con discapacidad y en este vídeo le entrevista Keila, su madre y persona de apoyo. En este vídeo, Omar explica por qué la Toma de decisiones apoyada es importante para él y cómo la utiliza.  También ofrece consejos a los padres sobre cómo apoyar a sus seres queridos en la toma de decisiones. Este es el viaje de Omar y sólo un ejemplo de cómo alguien puede utilizar la Toma de decisiones apoyada.

Proyectos: “Empoderamiento y Capacidad en la Comunidad Hispana” y “Apoyo a la Toma de Decisiones: Diversidad,
Equidad e Inclusión.”  Financiado a través de una subvención del Consejo de Discapacidades del Desarrollo de Massachusetts, EE. UU. Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de los Estados Unidos, Administración para la Vida Comunitaria,
Adjudicación Federal No. 93.630.

Visit resource: El viaje de Omar de law toma de decisiones apoyada


Omar’s Journey with Supported Decision-Making (March 21, 2024)

This is a video is about a young man named Omar and his journey with Supported Decision-Making.  Omar identifies as a person with a disability. In this video, Omar talks about why Supported Decision-Making is important to him and how he uses it.  He also offers advice to parents on how to support their loved ones with decision-making. This is Omar’s journey and just one example of how someone might use Supported Decision-Making.

This video was developed as part of a training initiative, “Supported Decision-Making: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion” and “Empower and Ability in the Hispanic Community,” funded in part through a grant from the Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living, Federal Award No. 93.630.

Visit resource: Omar’s Journey with Supported Decision-Making


Voting with a Disability (July 13, 2020)

This video explains what it is like to vote with a disability. The video talks about how accommodations with voting work and what to expect when you vote.  The video also explains that you can contact your state’s Protection & Advocacy Agency if something goes wrong when you are trying to vote and you need help from a lawyer.

Visit resource: Voting with a Disability


Supported Decision-Making (SDM) Bootcamp: Training Videos And Materials (February 19, 2019)

Video of workshop provided by the Arc of California on Supported Decision-Making. Covers topics including: special education, transition, Vocational Rehabilitation, Medicaid, life-planning, ABLE accounts, finances, SDM case law, implementing SDM. Materials are specific to California. Page also contains links to additional SDM resources. Funded by the WITH Foundation.

Visit resource: Supported Decision-Making (SDM) Bootcamp: Training Videos And Materials