Tag: Audience


Voting with a Disability (July 13, 2020)

This video explains what it is like to vote with a disability. The video talks about how accommodations with voting work and what to expect when you vote.  The video also explains that you can contact your state’s Protection & Advocacy Agency if something goes wrong when you are trying to vote and you need help from a lawyer.

Visit resource: Voting with a Disability


Go Voter Project (2020)

The Go Voter project from Self Advocates Becoming Empowered includes many helpful videos and other resources about voting for self-advocates.

Visit resource: Go Voter Project


The Story of the First Two Nations to Pass Landmark Disability Rights Law (December 2, 2019)

Information on event held by Open Society Foundations bringing together disability rights leaders who championed passage of laws eliminating guardianship and fully recognizing the right to legal capacity of persons with disabilities in Peru in 2018 and Colombia in 2019.

Visit resource: The Story of the First Two Nations to Pass Landmark Disability Rights Law


UN expert welcomes legal capacity reform in Colombia to end guardianship regime (August 29, 2019)

Article about Colombia’s elimination of guardianship. Contains statements by Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities, Catalina Devandas.

Visit resource: UN expert welcomes legal capacity reform in Colombia to end guardianship regime


Supported Decision-Making Toolkit (Wisconsin) (2019)

Toolkit about getting started with using Supported Decision-Making. This toolkit has some references to materials specific to the Wisconsin state law, but is useful for anyone interested in thinking about Supported Decision-Making.

Copies of the toolkit in Spanish and Hmong available at this link.

Visit resource: Supported Decision-Making Toolkit (Wisconsin)