Tag: Format


UN expert welcomes legal capacity reform in Colombia to end guardianship regime (August 29, 2019)

Article about Colombia’s elimination of guardianship. Contains statements by Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities, Catalina Devandas.

Visit resource: UN expert welcomes legal capacity reform in Colombia to end guardianship regime


Making My Own Healthcare Decisions for People with Disabilities (July 2019)

A sample letter than can be used to explain your wishes about health care decision-making to a health care provider. This letter could be used as an SDM agreement if you are only interested in your supporters helping with health care decisions.

Visit resource: Making My Own Healthcare Decisions for People with Disabilities


Supported Decision-Making Toolkit (Wisconsin) (2019)

Toolkit about getting started with using Supported Decision-Making. This toolkit has some references to materials specific to the Wisconsin state law, but is useful for anyone interested in thinking about Supported Decision-Making.

Copies of the toolkit in Spanish and Hmong available at this link.

Visit resource: Supported Decision-Making Toolkit (Wisconsin)


Turning Rights Into Reality: How Guardianship and Alternatives Impact the Autonomy of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (June 10, 2019)

Follow up report to National Council on Disability Beyond Guardianship 2018 report. This report explores the experiences of people with I/DD through interviews and research. Report discusses school-to-guardianship pipeline.

Visit resource: Turning Rights Into Reality: How Guardianship and Alternatives Impact the Autonomy of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities


Supported Decision-Making A User’s Guide for People with Disabilities and Their Supporters (2019)

Manual for people with disabilities and their supporters to help understand how to use SDM. Contains useful tools such as checklists for deciding what type of support is needed in various areas.

Visit resource: Supported Decision-Making A User’s Guide for People with Disabilities and Their Supporters


SDM: Principles of Supported Decision Making & Supported Decision Making Approach and Practice (March 2019)

Guide on SDM that is tailored to individuals and families that describes core principles of SDM and also includes helpful tools for weighing decisions. Guide is available in Easy Read and Plain Language formats.

Visit resource: SDM: Principles of Supported Decision Making & Supported Decision Making Approach and Practice



Supported Decision-Making (SDM) Bootcamp: Training Videos And Materials (February 19, 2019)

Video of workshop provided by the Arc of California on Supported Decision-Making. Covers topics including: special education, transition, Vocational Rehabilitation, Medicaid, life-planning, ABLE accounts, finances, SDM case law, implementing SDM. Materials are specific to California. Page also contains links to additional SDM resources. Funded by the WITH Foundation.

Visit resource: Supported Decision-Making (SDM) Bootcamp: Training Videos And Materials


Your Vote Counts: A Self-Advocate’s Guide to Voting in the U.S. (2019)

Voting is important! Did you know that even if you have a guardianship you may still be able to vote? Whether you can vote while under a guardianship depends on the laws in your state and on what your guardianship paperwork says. If you are under a guardianship you may still have the right to vote. The Your Vote Counts guide from Autistic Self Advocacy Network explains the rules in every state about voting while under a guardianship.

You can also read more about your RIGHT to vote and HOW to vote on this page from Autistic Self Advocacy Network.

Visit resource: Your Vote Counts: A Self-Advocate’s Guide to Voting in the U.S.