Advocacy Alert! CPR joins ACLU in filing Amicus Brief in Britney Spears’ conservatorship case

Advocacy Alert! The Center for Public Representation joined the American Civil Liberties Union and a diverse coalition of Supported Decision-Making advocates in filing a request to file an amicus brief in Britney Spears’ conservatorship case.

The amici argue that Ms. Spears the has the right to choose her own attorney, as she has expressed she would like to do. Amici urge the court to provide Ms. Spears with any tools needed to do select her own lawyer — including Supported Decision-Making if she wishes. The amicus brief was filed July 12, 2021 in Los Angeles Superior Court.

Supported decision-making is another option that Ms. Spears may wish to use in selecting her own attorney. With supported decision-making, a person can use supports – including working with trusted advisors, mentors, friends, or professionals, to help them understand, consider, and make their own choices.

BRIEF OF AMICI CURIAE, p. 9, line 23-26

Amici urged the court to take steps to ensure that Ms. Spears can consider and explore the opportunity to learn about and use supported decision-making to select her own attorney, if she chooses.

Supported decision-making is also an example of a “reasonable modification” that a public entity, like this Court, may be required to provide or facilitate under the Americans with Disabilities Act and/or the Rehabilitation Act, in order to ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to the Court’s proceedings and processes.

BRIEF OF AMICI CURIAE, p. 11, line 11-14

The coalition of organizations filing the amicus brief are a broad and diverse group of disability justice, self-advocacy organizations, elder justice, and civil rights organizations.  The coalition members all work to advance Supported Decision-Making as a tool that allows people to retain their rights and exercise choice.

Read the amicus brief here.

Read the ACLU’s statement about the brief here.

For more background, read our statement on Britney Spears’ conservatorship case.

Coalition of organizations filing the amicus brief:

AIDS Legal Referral Panel

American Civil Liberties Union

The Arc of the United States

Autistic Self-Advocacy Network

Burton Blatt Institute

California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform

California Alliance for Retired Americans

Cardozo Bet Tzedek Legal Services

Center for Public Representation

Choice in Aging

Civil Rights Education and Enforcement Center

Coalition for Elderly and Disability Rights

The Coelho Center for Disability Law, Policy and Innovation

Communication FIRST

Disability Rights California

Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund

Disability Rights Legal Center

Disability Voices United

Justice in Aging

Legal Aid at Work

Mental Health Advocacy Services

National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making

Quality Trust for Individuals with Disabilities


Interested to learn more about Supported Decision-Making and how it can work?

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National media coverage of Supported Decision-Making!

With the national attention on guardianship reform sparked by Britney Spears experience living under a conservatorship, Supported Decision-Making has been in the national news.

Check out some of this recent coverage featuring Supported Decision-Making, including stories from Center for Public Representation’s work and pilots!
Man standing against brick wall
Jimmy C., decision-maker from CPR/Nonotuck pilot

Wisconsin Public Radio: Britney Spears Doesn’t Get The Freedom Of Choice. Neither Do People Under Guardianship by Elizabeth Dohms-Harter (July 13, 2021)

featuring Anna Krieger of Center for Public Representation and Jordan Anderson, Co-Team Leader of the Wisconsin Community of Practice State Team for the Center on Youth Voice/Youth Choice

Wisconsin Public Radio’s Central Time: Conservatorship 101 And Ideas For Reform (July 2, 2021)

featuring Anna Krieger of Center for Public Representation. Access the Wisconsin toolkit referenced on the show.

Vice: The Horror of an Unwanted Conservatorship, According to People Who Lived It by Reina Sultan (July 8, 2021)

featuring Cory from the CPR/Nonotuck pilot describing his experience under guardianship and how Supported Decision-Making works for him

Salon: The supportive decision-making model that might have saved Britney Spears from conservatorship by Laura Guidry (June 27, 2021)

featuring Jimmy C. from the CPR/Nonotuck pilot and Jordan Anderson, Co-Team Leader of the Wisconsin Community of Practice State Team for the Center on Youth Voice/Youth Choice

New York Times: Britney Spears’s Case Calls Attention to Wider Questions on Guardianship by Amanda Morris (July 10, 2021)

Slate: For the Disability Community, Britney Spears’ Situation Is All Too Familiar interview with Sara Luterman by Mary Harris (June 29, 2021)

Teen Vogue: Britney Spears’s Conservatorship Is a Disability Rights Issue That Deserves More Attention by Haley Moss (June 25, 2021)

The Guardian: After Britney Spears testimony, lawmakers push changes to conservatorship laws by Sam Levin (July 2, 2021)

Time Magazine: How Britney Spears’ Case Could Change the Future of Conservatorship by Abigail Abrams (June 25, 2021)

The Nation: Free Comrade Britney! by Sara Luterman (March 31, 2020)

For more media coverage of Supported Decision-Making check out our resource library.

Want to talk with us more about Supported Decision-Making?

updated July 12, 2021